Wednesday, March 9, 2011

You must be Selfish!!

I generally speak from personal experience. Sometimes it's based on the experiences of working with you, or just my personal experience through life.

One fundamental rule that most of us have trouble with, my self included, is making time for ourselves. Time to relax, time to connect with those that we don't typically get a chance to see, or time for taking care of ourselves. We tend to everyone's needs first and if there is time left over, most of us just collapse.

We see time for ourselves as being selfish or a luxury that we can't afford.

Those of us that don't take time to relax, recuperate, regenerate, whichever adjective works best for you, will eventually hit a wall. Whether it's illness, injury, or mental breakdown.

This down time allows you to find fresh perspective on life, health, or family. It allows your body to heal. Most importantly, It allows you to bring the best of you to the table.

If you're not taking the time to take care of yourself, stop and ask this honest question.

Am I bringing the best of myself to the table today?


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