Sunday, May 22, 2011

Preventative injury toolbox!!

Preventative injury toolbox!!

The most common phrase I hear from week to week is.........

"I don't how it happened."

As I ask those penetrating questions about your daily life and past, it becomes clear to not only myself but the person sitting in front of me that "they caused this over time, by neglecting to do the things you must do to prevent injury. I will say this is not always the case, it happens quite a bit.

Here's a quick reference guide.

1. sleep more: Sleep is the most over looked area of injury prevention. Sleep allows the body to recover from what ever you do.

2. check your bed: I know they are expensive but remember you spend more time in bed then you do any other activity through out the day. If your bed is over 5 years old and you wake up with a nagging pain, it might be time to change. You need support when you sleep!!

3. Corrective exercises: The way you use your body on a daily basis has a direct and indirect connection to the way your body feels. If you're using your body in a way that is causing discomfort, you must break the cycle and learn new ways to use your body. Seek out a physical therapist for specifics or find a highly recommended personal trainer or exercise physiologist.

4. Massage Therapy: if you made it this far without skipping to the question of the week, You know what I'm about to say. Getting a massage once a month or even once every two weeks does very little to counter act the immense stress you place on your body on an hourly basis. Look at it from a preventive injury stand point will help you put it in perspective.

5. Water and nutrition: Food and water are the gas to drive the engine. Next time your about to eat that fried chicken, think of pouring a pound of sand in the gas tank of your car. It's not going to help it run well.

If you need advice contact a local dietitian or research it your self.

All of these things take some effort on your part. Making life style changes are painful but they are well worth it in the long run. Stop putting things off you know you must do, and start today.

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