Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Self Aware Much?

I am simply amazed on the amount of people that ignore their body. This may sound like some new age crap or even just crazy but your body talks to you all the time. It tells you when you are hungry, thirsty, in pain, tired and so on. Just like anything else once the body starts talking to you it generally too late. you have passed a point and your body is tired of waiting on you.

You don't wait until your car starts sputtering to put gas in it. this is the same for the body. You can't wait until it starts talking to you to feed the engine.

We have grown to believe that making ourselves first is selfish. Let me be the first to tell you, it's not selfishness. Its survival. You must create a plan of action and STICK to it!!!

We recommend you eat on a schedule to help maintain your blood sugar levels. Avoid doing anything in excess. Drink 10/10 oz. of water today. I know what you're thinking " I'll be in the bathroom all day or I don't like drinking water." You're body will turn into a dry sponge than. Have you ever seen a dry sponge bend? Think of your muscles and joints when thinking of a dry sponge. Its better lubricated and makes you feel better over all.

A pain here and there? if you drive a car and I think most of us do, you may see little pieces of tires on the side of the road as you're driving. Like a tired that runs thousands of miles, gradually you chip away at it until you ultimately have a blowout. A little pain here and there is the equivalent of a worn down tire. You may think nothing is wrong but over time it gets worse and worse until you have to go see an orthopedic to tell you, "it's time for a tire change." The great news is there are people and websites out there that can guide you to maintaining the tires. Your professionals such as a physical therapist for strength and stability, Chiropractor or PT for your structural integrity(bones and joints) or Massage Therapist for your soft tissue manipulation (muscle relief).

The hardest part is acknowledging you have have a problem. Start there. Email me if you need a coach ;) have a great day.

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