Friday, April 9, 2010

Lower back pain can be your fault..

In the last 12 years, I have worked on many different types of pain. Muscular, emtional, neurological, and even that mysterious myofascial pain. My biggest asset is my ability to delve into your personal life and point out something things that might be causing the pain without you knowing it causes you pain.


A bed can be the biggest factor in lower back health. I know of course that you are very diligent at doing your exercises. This ensures that your lower back stays healthy. A good rule of thumb, if you wake up in the morning and your lower back hurts you may be ready for a new bed or in some cases a different type of bed. The way to know for sure, is if your back loosens up through out the day and hurts the most when you wake in the morning.

Morning Headaches

I can't tell you how often I hear of people waking up with a headache at least once a week. This to me signifies a chronic problem, but to them it is just something they have to deal with. This is not so. 94% of those people that wake up with a headache are doing so because of one reason, they clench their teeth all night long. If a muscle is firing all night, your going to be sore the next day. This also affects the back of your neck and makes it stiff upon waking. Remedies: get a massage ;) i have to throw that in there. Other things you may want to look into. Go to the dentist and get a night guard, this will not prevent clenching but will ease the pain in the morning. Another alternative would be to go to a chiropractor and have your Jaw adjusted. People with chronic clenching problem may have a miss alignment in their jaw.

Driving your car is killing your lower back

A simple test, as you're driving reach down and feel your right thigh. Odds are if your lower back hurt, this will feel hard as a rock. Also notice that when you bring the car to a halt, that muscle feels like it relaxes. This muscle actually attaches to you lower back and if you are always firing that muscle one side will get tighter and tighter till the torque is too much for the body. This torque causes a shift in your SI joint which then causes you pain.

Pay Attention to the thing you are doing on a daily bases. They may be the reason you can't move very well.

Nick Hadl
FW texas.

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