Monday, October 4, 2010

Time to Fight the Obesity "Disease."

It can be hard for someone who is fit/healthy to really understand what an obese person has to go through on daily basis.

I have decided to help fix the problem. We as personal trainers make a living keeping people in shape or helping them become better at their sports. All the while, neglecting a large segment of society that can't afford our services and are in desperate need.

I am teaming up with 4 other trainers to provide what we hope will be a growing trend across the country to motivate people to become healthy.

We are designing a massive boot camp as a public service. Our Goal is to have at least 100 people per camp striving to change their lives for the better.

If you know someone that would benefit or needs a push, send them my way.

If you would like to help out in some way, please get in touch with me at or call 817.308.9958.

We will need volunteers and donations and a large field or facility.

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